Today I was reminded to never take a second for granted that I have my chidren in my life because at any moment they can be taken from me. Two teens at a local highschool lost their lives last night and two others were injured in a car accident. I spent the day grieving for the families of these children taken long before their lives could ever begin but also thanking God for blessing me with the 6 beautiful children I have and for watching over them for all these years. I think back to when Ireland was so sick as a baby and she pulled through so miraculously or the accident we got into with Mikey and Jennifer while I was pregnant with Ireland. Ryleigh and Mark have made it through multiple surgeries and Ireland has lived a life plagued with severe asthma, yet my babies have always been blessed to come out alright. God has worked miracles for our family. I will continue to be greatful for each moment I have to spend with my 6 beautiful children.
**single tear**