Saturday, August 27, 2011

It has begun..

...the hardest semester of college work I will ever undertake. I was told by my Graduate advisor last semester when I was signing up for my Fall classes that I should quit my job before my classes started. I reminded her of how many children I had to support and the fact that I was married to a military man that could be sent off at any time Uncle Sam sees fit. So here we are. I am taking four of the hardest classes I can imagine taking, working a full time, high stress job, raising my own as well as helping to raise my sisters kids and still trying to find some time to be a wife in there somewhere. The good news....because I believe in always finding the good in every bad situation...when December 15th rolls around, I will essentially be done with my Masters degree! I may not have any hair left and I may have dropped another 10 pounds, my husband and kids may all hate me, but it will almost all be over and I will be able to say I managed to pull off getting my Masters in 1 year!

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